Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Update #12

LaRee had a great night last night. She slept nearly the whole time with the exception of the nurses who would wake her up routinely. Her new set of medication seems to be working much better for her. It keeps her pain around a 5 and her hallucinations at a controllable level.

The last few days LaRee has had some ups and downs. In fact one of her worst nights was on Friday night due to the fact they where trying out new medication on her. Lets just say that it did not work! LaRee is so very aware she listens carefully to all that goes on around her. For instance she heard the PT say that she would wear her boots every 2 hours for 2 hour to prevent foot drop. Well once our LaRee heard that she decided to keep her boots on for hours at a time for as long as she can until she can't stand it. The other night she left them on for about 13 hours! She is a very obedient patient!

We as a family feel GREAT about the facility we chose for her. Her nurses for the most part are WONDERFUL angels. We still have somebody with LaRee around the clock. And she still very much appreciates having a family member stay through the nights.

As far as LaRee's movement she can nod her head yes and no pretty well now. She can use a lot of her facial muscles to make expressions and she can now make a clicking sound with her mouth. When she does that, it means that she wants something. Which is a big help to us. When we are with LaRee and she is awake there is a lot to do for her. It is like a full time job, rarely sitting down. Her body and nerves are constantly changing the way that they feel and her pain level is constantly moving and shifting. Recently she has enjoyed getting eye drops and chap stick applied every 1/2 hour or so. In addition to communicating with her via an Alphabet chart. We LOVE the alphabet chart, it has allowed us to truly understand LaRee's needs.

LaRee is still on life support. Her body does not move from the neck down. We do not know how long she will need Life support for. We look forward to the day when she can be taken off of the breathing machines and moved to a true Rehabilitation center!

Saturday night LaRee had a special visitor. One of her brothers clients is a man who had GBS about 10 years ago. He and his wife where gracious enough to come to the hospital and spend some time with LaRee. It was so helpful for her to see somebody that lived through it and could walk, talk and move again. The nurse later commented that LaRee seemed more peaceful and attributed a large part of it to this mans visit. We as a family where so grateful that LaRee could have this experience!

When LaRee isn't sleeping she loves for someone to talke to her, read to her and mostly keep her body comfortable with moving it around and lightly rubbing painful areas!


Anonymous said...

LaRee was my young women's leader years ago and I loved her dearly. Although I have lost contact with her, hearing about this breaks my heart. I pray that she makes a speedy recovery. I'm so sorry that you all have to go through this. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for setting up this blog for us to keep up on LaRee. She is admired and loved by many of us that you, as her family, don't even know. Our prayers are with her and you as you take such good care of her. I am interested by the book that you have listed on the blog, as I had read that book about 15-20 years ago and remember it very well. It touched me then and I am glad to know that it will be easier for LaRee because her family is there for her. I admire LaRee for her beauty, grace, kindness and class. I will pray for her and her whole family. May God bless you all.Diane Losleben